Measurements: To fit 27 inch waist. Final measurement 54 inches in length. To fit a different waist size, just measure smallest part of waist and double the measurements to get the final measurement of the belt. E.g. if you have a 24 inch waist, final measurement should be 48 inches, or if you have a 34 inch waist. final measurement should be 68 inches.
Materials: Aran wool. 50g ball.I used Robin aran with wool in colour oatmeal to match the hooded jacket. A pair of 5.0mm knitting needles. A darning needle. A measuring tape (preferably a tailors measuring tape and not a household one like mine..although it does the job since my proper measuring tape went missing).
Cast on 10 sts.
1st row: k
2nd row: p
Continue in st st until belt measures required length.
Ending with a p row, cast off.
To make up
Sew cast off edges wrong side out. Sew sides together wrong side out turning right side out a you go along i.e. pull the sewn part of the belt through the tube you are forming as you go along. This will mean as you are sewing, half of the already sewn belt (which is right side out) will be inside the rest of the sewn belt (which is still wrong side out) so that when you reach the end you will just have to pull the remainder of the sewn belt though so that it is all right side out. Sew up cast on edges right side out.
If you want you can press the belt before sewing it up to make it less round.
To make sewing seams together easier my mother told me to always knit the first and last st on every p row. I find it does in fact make it easier and gives a less noticeable seam.
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