Friday, August 19, 2011

It has been a while!!! Unfortunately I was not very well at all and had to take a little holiday in the hospital! After suffering with a swollen abdomen and lower right abdominal pain for over 24 hours I decided it was time to take a trip to my GP. He sent me to A&E where they were unsure what was the cause and I was admitted for observation and an ultrasound scan. Unsure whether it was an ovarian cyst or my appendix causing my discomfort the doctors decided to perform a laparoscopy. This showed up free fluid in my abdomen (possibly from a burst cyst) which was removed along with my appendix for good measure! Waking up groggy, appendixless and with a severely distended tummy, I began the recovery process..which fortunately allowed me plenty of time to catch up on some knitting! Unfortunately this only lasted a week..then it was back to work.

As you may have read in my previous posts I have been working on some projects for my upcoming wedding. Since my most recent post I have more or less completed the bride and groom!! see below for a picture!!

Cosying up by the fire!   

My almost complete bride..she still needs flowers

The handsome groom!!
 I still have some work to do on the bride such as her bouquet and a bit more detail in her dress! These little things I will do closer the wedding!!

If you look at my previous posts you will notice that I changed a few details on both the bride and groom. As my hubby to be is starting to lose his hair and so keeps it very short - I gave the groom no hair and instead shaded in with a colouring pencil to give he effect of short stubby hair =D. And for the bride, I gave her no sleeves and lengthened her veil...not giving anything away at all am I?? =P

Prior to my stay in hospital, I had my bridesmaids over for a girly weekend to help make wedding invitations! After dancing the night away until 5am Saturday morning it was a bit of a slow start on the Saturday..but we got there..below is the finished result!

I decided to hand make our invitations so they are more personal to us! All the card stock was ordered from the US and I used a guillotine to cut them to the desired shape and size. I designed the invite on photoshop (many, many, many hours of photoshop - I now consider myself an expert). Double sided tape was then used to stick everything. I also hand drew a map for the directions (google maps version was just so dull heehee). This was then scanned into the computer and printed on the back side of the directions insert! I am so proud of the results! I have only made a few so far to date! It's been pretty crazy trying to settle back in to work and life in general after being in the hospital..not to mention that I still have the original abdominal pain I was admitted with! But I am sure I will get there eventually! And I know it will be so worth it!!

So I will leave you with what I am currently crafting, along with the invitations of course..I am a very good at multitasking =D. My current project and I think by far my fiance's favorite...a knitted Bertie Bassett!! I have him more or less completely finished but as I had no stuffing to fill him with he was placed aside for a few days..but it won't be long now and he will be joining the others in time for the big day!! Hoping to post pictures soon!!

Happy knitting and crafting,

Helena =D


  1. Oh Wow! The invitations are gorgeous. Well done to the 2 of you. The bride and groom are very very cute.

  2. Thanks so much for your lovely comment AoifeLily! I am very proud of my ivites..really didn't expect them to turn out as well...I suprised myself!! =D Can't wait to see my bride and groom on the wedding cake!!
