Friday, March 25, 2011

It's been too long: A Young Sweetie update

As the title says..."It's been too long". And what have I been doing? Too much things that are not knitting related! It's a disgrace! Working, visiting family and friends, parties, my first rally, baking..and then trying to make up for it with my eat more healthy campaign and taking up jogging...reading, watching TV etc. So My plan for this blog post is to fill you on the various aspects of my life that infringes on my knitting.

As I mentioned already..I have started a PhD which has been the major struggle with time management..after so long out of work it takes quite a bit of getting used to. I get up most mornings between 6.50 and 7am at the latest unless I am particularly lazy and press snooze on my alarm until 7.05..this happens quite a bit =P , then its shower, dress, eat and leave for train station to catch the 8.08am train into Galway city..which gets me in to the lab (walking from the station) by about 8.45am. I then leave the lab at 5pm and run for the 17.25pm train home. Sometimes if I have a few extra minutes I pop into Hickey's in the Corbettcourt shopping centre to browse the wool and other craft supplies..usually leaving with something in hand (giving in to any plans I had of just window shopping). I usually arrive home at about 6pm and start the dinner. This is where our new healthy eating has come in...more vegetarian and more fish with the overall aim to cut down on red meat. This week for meat free Monday I cooked chickpea and vegetable was really scrumptious if I say so myself. I got the recipe in this months Easyfood mag. I usually sit down to eat with my Fiance Gareth when he gets home at 7pm therefore it is nearly always close to 8pm by the time dinner is finished and everything has been cleared up (no dishwasher...grrrrr). We then do a little housework..we try to do this everyday so that it doesn't build up. By 9pm we are lucky to sit down and put our feet up..therefore you can imagine I am pretty pooped and can find it difficult to get any knitting done at all!! But I still try.

So you would think after all the running around all week I would be happy to sit down and do nothing at the is not to be!! Weekends are for catching up with friends and family and fulfilling our washing machines duty of cleaning our clothes along with any other chores that might not have been done during the week!! I like to use my Saturday to catch up with all my girl friends because Gareth works....and a group of girls giggling with excitement over our upcoming nuptials and plans for said nuptials might be a bit too much for his male ego!! =P As with most men and wedding plans..he is happy just to show up on the day..sometimes I think if I told him we all had to wear plastic bags to the ceremony and eat in the local chipper after he probably would not mind at all =P

Oh ..look at that..I am rambling off topic again...back to the reason for my lack of knitting..busy schedule!!
 The weekend after my last blog post was spent catching up with a good friend on Saturday before heading off to a girls night in that evening. The Sunday was spent attending my 1st rally (after much pressure to do so from my other half), as expected it was cold and wet. I never even made it to a stage..I spent and hour in the service area until my hands turned blue and then headed up to the nearby hotel for some well deserved soup and to sit out the rest of the day. I think in future if I attend a rally it will only be during the summer stages. =O

Monday had come around again and my knitting needles were gathering dust!! More work, more cooking, more knitting and so it continues.

For those of you not Irish and perhaps with no Irish ancestors or knowledge of Ireland of some sort (what's wrong with you?)..last Thursday was St.Patrick's day. To celebrate St.Patrick's day in our house, we dressed in green, white and orange (even the dog had an Irish ribbon attached to his coat).
Fred was not impressed with having a ribbon on his coat. Look at that scowl!!
I baked some green, white and orange buns and then we headed off to the parade in Galway. Our 10 year niece (and joint Goddaughter) was walking in the parade so we were all very proud and of course she was very excited. So that was another day of no knitting while the night before was a night of no knitting due to baking buns!!
Even the batter was green, white and orange!

Iced green, white and orange buns!

AND FINALLY, as I had decided to take the day off after St.Patricks day..I had some time on my hands to do some knitting..and this is what I got done...

The shoes stuffed and sewn up

The shoes sewn on to the body
The ankle bands and pantie frills knitted and sewn on to the body
The facial features sewn on
Saturday was spent with friends, including Gareth's gorgeous 9month old goddaughter and Sunday was another day of knitting for me..although not as productive as Friday. Gareth and I had planned to spend the day off gallivanting in the car and seeing where we would end up but for some odd reason..I was extremely exhausted. I since developed a nasty cold which explains the unwelcome tiredness. This is what I managed to get done on Sunday...

Young Sweetie with her hat brim and hair complete
Gareth informed me she looked like an old lady because of her pink hair. I personally have never seen an elderly lady with pink hair. I think he meant blue rinse. They say men can only see basic colours well I have the proof that they struggle to even recognise basic colours!! =P (If you are reading this Gar..I love you hunny bunny!! ;p xx)
Since Sunday I have knitted Young sweetie's hat band and neck band but have not sewn them on yet. And the reason for only getting this much knitted this week? I have decided to take up jogging!! Monday was my first ever jogging session..I jogged 1mile. I know.. it does not seem a lot, but it was my first time and as a recent ex-smoker I think I did well. By the time I got back I was so wrecked I was unable for anything except a cup of tea and putting my feet up. Wow..I am very unfit! I spent Tuesday and Wednesday knitting the hat and the neck bands and then went jogging again for the second time yesterday evening. I increased my distance and jogged 1.75 miles. Gareth has an app on his Samsung Galaxy phone that records your distance, pace and calories burned. It informs you every 5 minutes how far you have jogged and how fast. It frightens the heck out of me when I have the earphones in as I am so focused on jogging I am not expecting this loud voice in my ear out of nowhere. haha. Even when I know to expect still makes me jump.

Phew...."wipes forehead with back of hand", that was a very lengthy update to explain my lack of knitting and blog posts. I hope to become a little more efficient at updating everyone on the progress of young sweetie and I expect if longer than a week passes without an update again...that somebody out there will drop me a comment and force me to do so!!

Until again,

Happy knitting and crafting,

Helena =D

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Good Afternoon!

I am unsure if I mentioned before that I attend Galway's Stitch'n'Bitch group, CafeCreate, on a Saturday afternoon. However..not every saturday, as much as I would like to. It is a long way to travel on a Saturday just for two hours and I end up with very little time to do much else that day as I am relying on a train timetable that is not suitable to the times the group meet at. I have decided it would be nice if there was a Stitch'n'Bitch group closer to where I am Athenry.

I have done up the following flyer...

My Stitch'n'Bitch Flyer

And I hope to print out many many many copies of this and deliver them around Athenry (with the hope of some positive feedback) in order to determine the need/want of such a group in the area. I would really love to set up my own group in the area. As a blow in from the city to Athenry, it would be great to get to know some people in the area while doing something I love! If I have a sufficient group of people interested, I hope to find a place in Athenry that would welcome a group of knitters, crocheters, cross stitchers etc to use their comforatble furniture for a given length of time...preferably a place that sells tea/coffee and a variety of confectionary-without demanding a fee (The group is free of charge)!

Hoping to have some positive feedback soon.

Happy Knitting and Crafting

Helena =D

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Happy pancake Tuesday

Yay!!! It's pancake Tuesday!!!

 A great excuse to eat pancakes all day...not that I need an excuse. What are your favorite toppings? I am very partial to pancakes with nutella and bananas, strawberries and peaches for breakfast and the fabulous pannekoek schip replicas I made for Valentine's day as a savory treat for later in the day!!

Unfortunately I may not get my pancakes today...I am heading the cinema to see Rango straight after work... I have a scrumptious lunch packed instead...with my homemade carrot cake for dessert...I am hoping it will make up for the lack of pancakes!!

 As well as baking carrot cake over the weekend, I cooked a yummy roast pork dinner for myself and Gareth and his parents (It was there 35th wedding anniversary). It was amazing..if I do say so myself. Bless the cook! =P The leftovers on Monday were just as amazing...just look at the picture below!

Roast dinner leftovers..yum!

 And as well as all that cooking and baking, I cleaned my house from top to bottom and did all the washing and ironing and best of all...still had time for my favorite past time....KNITTING!! I am a domestic goddess!! I think that I should change the name of this blog to......

I once had a friend ask me if I ever sit down and watch TV....of course I do...I am just multitasking it with something else...

Watch TV and knit/sew/craft of some sort
Watch TV and do my ironing
Watch TV and clean the house
Watch TV and update my blog
Watch TV and browse the net
Watch TV and read a magazine..haha...yes I have done this..

I love my TV don't get me wrong..and I am an avid fan of shows such as Gossip Girl, Desperate Housewives, Home and Away, Bones, Criminal minds and House. I just can't focus on watching them solely as I get bored easily...I must have a second activity to keep me occupied!! I often fall asleep otherwise! =O

So I guess those of you interested more in my knitting than my ability to do two things at once would like an update on the status of my clown...

Stuffed body standing up

Stuffed Body lying down
Body (not stuffed)

Her body is complete!! Shes now a faceless, footless, armless blob...but cuddly and cute already!! A stitch marker can be seen just above the neck..this is to mark the centre of the face for when I start her facial features...which will be very soon I hope!!! =D

Unstuffed shoes (bottom shoe is folded)
Above are her shoes (not sewn)...My next task is to sew them up and attach them to her body. The pattern states to use a cardboard cutout sole to stiffen the base of the shoe in order for her to stand. I am actually using interior car panel which I got of my fiance as this is stiffer and means that I can later wash Young Sweetie without the risk of her shoes going soggy!!

Completed Gloves
I also finally took a photo of the finished gloves...and it looks like I might have an excuse to wear them sooner than I think if the wind that is blowing today continues...seems its too early to put away the winter woolies just yet!!!

I hope everyone likes my blog makeover. Please share the love and leave some comments. I have changed my settings so now anyone can leave a comment even if they are not signed up to Blogspot!

Happy Knitting and Crafting

Helena =D

Friday, March 4, 2011

Colourful Clowns!

So as I mentioned in yesterday's blog post I am knitting a jean green howe clown at the moment. This is the first time I am making a clown for myself..before this I always made them for other people as gifts. I made my first clown when I was in my teens...

Godfrey Gadabout (picture from jean greenhowe)

It was a holiday themed clown called Godfrey Gadabout.Godfrey Gadabout just can't resist going on holidays, with shorts and scarf, sunglasses and umbrella, suitcase and map - he is definately equipped for every eventuality. And he wouldn't set off on his adventures without his extra special camera. I made Godfrey for my mother as she is always going on holidays as well although she never atkes a camera and only ever visits places where the sun shines all year round and an umbrella or scarf will never be needed! He now sits proudly on my parent's bed in Galway, Ireland!

The second clown I made was Mr.Fortywinks. Theres nothing Mr.Fortywinks likes better than a good snooze. Thenafter a hard days snoozing, theres nothing he likes better than going to bed for a good night's sleep. Of course he always cleans his teeth before retiring, but it looks like he squeezed the tube too hard this time. I made Mr.Fortywinks for a friend of mine living in New Zealand. His new name is JellyJayBean the 2nd and he now resides in New Zealand. Quite a distance for one little clown to travel! Especially one who sleeps so much!!

Sidney Slapstick
The third clown I made and by far my favorite was Sidney Slapstick. Sidney slapstick is obviously a dedicated tradesman, dedicated that is to messing up just about anything and everything in sight. In fact Sidney appears to have more paint on his overalls than on the walls! I knitted Sidney for my Uncle as a christmas gift because after seeing my other clowns..he really wanted one of his own! His father, my grandad, was a painter and so I thought this was the perfect clown for him. He now sits happily in his home office in the beautiful town of Ennistymon, Co.Clare.

Bertie Bloomer

The fourth clown I knitted was Bertie Bloomer. Bertie Bloomer loves gardening, but watering his mushrooms can be quite a problem because it always makes his hat go soggy. Never mind Bertie, its a good excuse to dry off in the sunshine and get down to the serious business of making daisy chains. I knitted Bertie for my 80+ year old Aunt, who is also my godmother, as a christmas gift about 4 years ago. In her younger days she was an avid gardener so I knew she would really appreciate this gift.

So as you can see I put alot of work into making these clowns for other people but never made one for I have decided..IT'S ABOUT TIME.

All of the above clowns are what Jean Greenhowe calls the red nose gang. The clown I have decide to one of her young alf's pals patterns. I am knitting young sweetie.

Young sweetie

I like young sweetie because she is a little smaller than the other clowns and of course...A GIRL! lol! A girl clown just for me!! Young sweetie is decked out with the most yummy sweets especially for me with my massive sweet tooth. Even her buttons are made of liquorice allsorts and those pin wheel lollipops are easy to make! She already has a very important job to do when she is complete...but I will explain that in time!

Until again,

Happy knitting and crafting

Helena =D

Thursday, March 3, 2011

My first pair of gloves!!

Hello all!!

I still can't believe it is March 3rd already!! As of March 1st I became a student again officially!! So...I haven't got too much knitting or crafting done recently with all the excitement. Usually I get some done at the weekend but last weekend I was in Galway to celebrate my brother's birthday and stayed with my parents in law to be. So I was too busy drinking tea, eating soda bread and chatting to do anything creative! =D My fiance was sleeping off a horrible (man) hangover all day from the birthday celebrations the night before...I would blame those he was keeping company with but it was my fiance drank all that toxic beer by himself, not the rest of us..). It was a most enjoyable day bonding with my future mammy and daddy in-law. It was very relaxed and nice not to be stuck in front of the TV at home with a dying fiance moaning beside me! =D
I have been trying to get some done in the evenings as well but its getting more and more difficult as I have not really established a routine with work yet. Hopefully by the end of next week the latest I will be a little more settled.

I have however managed a small project in the last two weeks..I made my first pair of gloves!! I followed a pattern  which you can find here for cable news gloves. The pattern uses 4ply wool however I used Wendy double knitting merino bliss wool which made them a little bulkier and warmer (IMHO). The thumb and fingers are knitted individually but not separately therefore there is no sewing except for the side seam when breaking and tying the wool on the final finger. I decided to make these because I love the cable detail on each finger and because I just adore vintage patterns!
Each finger is knitted individually
R.H. Glove thumb & 2 fingers complete
 They fit extremely well  and are the Cinderella slipper of gloves which fit me the best!! I am really pleased with my new gloves and maybe just a little annoyed that the weather has gotten so nice that I no longer require them! I have decided to put them away for next year! I have found a few patterns for hats so maybe when the time comes for them again I will also have a matching hat =D I apologise for not having photos of the two gloves together..will post some in the next blog!
Finished right hand glove
R.H. glove on my hand.lovely cables!

So because my schedule is a little all over the place I wanted to pick a project that would take a while but could be done in a series a small pieces so that I could pick them up every now and then and not have to try remember any complicated I went back to what I am best at and what I have been making since I was 15....Jean Greenhowe clowns!! I had made four so far in my lifetime...of which I possess 0..they were all given away as presents......but that's another blog post!!

Happy knitting and crafting

Helena =D