Sunday, September 11, 2011

Bertie Bassett is complete!!!!

Oh Bertie!!! You look so yummy yum!!

The Complete Bertie 

Yesterday was a very productive day! I headed along to Cafe Create (Galway's very own Stitch'n'Bitch group) and buckled down to some serious knitting and sewing. Mostly sewing unfortunately. I may have mentioned before that sewing is the absolute bane of my existence! A real cause of misery for me...and the only part of creating wonderful knitted items I despise. But alas, after 2 hours of hard slogging...I got there! And the overall result is a Bertie Bassett good enough to eat!

Happy Knitting and Crafting,

Helena =D

1 comment:

  1. Hiya
    I love him!! I've been looking around for a Bertie pattern as he is super cute.
    Is he knitted flat on 2 needles as I can't do double point needle patterns
    X X X
